Styled to Rock week 2: Kylie Minogue's look of the future

This week on Styled to Rock singer Kylie Minogue challenges the designers to create a futuristic look for her to wear at the launch party for her upcoming fashion book. The challenge is to design a look that she would wear in the year 3000. The designers get 1 hr to shop at the famous fabric store Michael Levine
Legend designer Jeremy Scott came in to help critique and give advice to the designers on how to pitch their look to the judges before 'the pull'. During the pitches the judges were pissed and not impressed at all. They wanted them all to start from scratch. So the designers got extra time to redo their looks for the pitch. During last looks the judges walk through and seen some improvement from some, from others they were still not impressed. Jordan had a lack luster attitude about the critique, he was set on his original design but all he did was take some of the volume out. He was very defensive during elimination.

Jordan, Adriana, Kristie were up for elimination, all for different reasons.They were all asked to explain why they deserved to be there, and Adriana was eliminated. Jordan doesn't handle critiques very well, he's too defensive and combative. He was also eliminated.
Im confused about how these designers were picked as some of the best to be on the show. Some of the designs were awful. I know that working with limited money and time can be difficult but when this this type of opportunity is at stake you have to give it all you have. This is a once in a lifetime chance for the world to see your talent.
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