Saturday December 16, 2017
Dear Diary,
This entry is not to offend or unnerve, but to make people aware of some of the things we semi-millennials experience. I consider myself a semi-millennial because I was born in the 80s and raised in the 90s, so there are things from the generation before and after me that I understand and identify with. We are the bridge between that gap and have some damn sense. We fall in the age range of 28 and 35 it's a small group. Anyway, the small group of people that can identify with me are career driven, most of us have 1 or 2 kids, some (like myself have none), married or engaged, we are going back to school, buying houses and building businesses. The even smaller group, which I fall in, is those who are not married/ engaged, single, with no children.
Some of us have no children by choice, why? Because we watched our parents struggle all of our lives and don't want the same for our children. Why? Because we watched countless times men leave the mothers of their children or the back and forth with all the baby mama/daddy drama and we don't want that. Why? Because we're in debt up to our ear from paying off students loans the last 10 years and interest was kicking our ass. Why? Because we want to live life, travel, enjoy the finer things in life. We want to be financially stable, make sure we have picked the right partner, be settled in our career and be able to not have to be on any assistance so that our kids are as fly as us. Some are trying or have tried to have children and have yet to conceive. There are others who have suffered through miscarriage and are coping with that and don't need a reminder at the family gathering. I ask that you please be sensitive to what people are going or have gone through and if you have any questions or concerns, pull them aside and speak with them privately or not. When they are ready to open up about what may be troubling them they will on their own time.
" Everybody dies, but not everybody lives" ~ DRAKE (Moment for life)
I am currently in school and have made a career change all within the last 18 mos. It is hard to make these transitions in life without children, so I want to make sure that I am secure and set before I start. I want to travel and see the world and get my many businesses up and running before I settle down. I am at a point in my life where it is time to be selfish and focus on becoming the best me I can be for ME and my future family. 2017 taught me that energy is real, put out good energy and the universe will treat you right. If something doesn't feel right let it go. Make goals and strive hard to achieve them. 2018 is about LIVING uninhibited, no regrets, no holding back. reaching past the stars because there's a whole universe out there. When it's time for kids and marriage and all that, its will come. It took me a long time to get to this point and truly be happy, and I still have a long ways to go, but I can honestly say that it's good to not be where I was. Growth is mutha, lol but until then imma turn this bitch up in 2018 with no f***s given.

Dear Diary,

Some of us have no children by choice, why? Because we watched our parents struggle all of our lives and don't want the same for our children. Why? Because we watched countless times men leave the mothers of their children or the back and forth with all the baby mama/daddy drama and we don't want that. Why? Because we're in debt up to our ear from paying off students loans the last 10 years and interest was kicking our ass. Why? Because we want to live life, travel, enjoy the finer things in life. We want to be financially stable, make sure we have picked the right partner, be settled in our career and be able to not have to be on any assistance so that our kids are as fly as us. Some are trying or have tried to have children and have yet to conceive. There are others who have suffered through miscarriage and are coping with that and don't need a reminder at the family gathering. I ask that you please be sensitive to what people are going or have gone through and if you have any questions or concerns, pull them aside and speak with them privately or not. When they are ready to open up about what may be troubling them they will on their own time.
" Everybody dies, but not everybody lives" ~ DRAKE (Moment for life)
I am currently in school and have made a career change all within the last 18 mos. It is hard to make these transitions in life without children, so I want to make sure that I am secure and set before I start. I want to travel and see the world and get my many businesses up and running before I settle down. I am at a point in my life where it is time to be selfish and focus on becoming the best me I can be for ME and my future family. 2017 taught me that energy is real, put out good energy and the universe will treat you right. If something doesn't feel right let it go. Make goals and strive hard to achieve them. 2018 is about LIVING uninhibited, no regrets, no holding back. reaching past the stars because there's a whole universe out there. When it's time for kids and marriage and all that, its will come. It took me a long time to get to this point and truly be happy, and I still have a long ways to go, but I can honestly say that it's good to not be where I was. Growth is mutha, lol but until then imma turn this bitch up in 2018 with no f***s given.

Yeees! I'm here for all of this!
ReplyDeleteIn this day and end, I think we should wait to have kids. We are living longer and no need to bring children into an unstable environment if you can help it. There will be people who always have something to say, but you can't let that effect you. Especially when they aren't putting anything on that baby bill.