Miss Lala; A true inspiration

                                                                                                                   Tuesday September 29, 2015

Dear Diary,

         Have you ever met someone who is so authentic and has a great spirit and you're just like "wow this person is amazing"? I have been facebook friends with Lala Morgan for quite some time. I first came across her pic from a photoshoot contest with a photographer in our area. I was very intrigued by her confidence and style. This girl is always polished. Her hair, makeup and nails are always done and top It wasn't until this year that I met her in person and she is everything she posts. Most people put on a front for the gram or stunt on facebook, but she's as real as they come. Just recently she underwent a weight loss surgery and I commend her on her on her bravery and strength. She is truly fabulous.

1. What made you decide to get gastric by pass surgery?
My health was getting bad due to my obesity

2. Were you scared?
Yes, definitely one of the most terrifying things I've ever had to battle

3. How do you feel since your weight loss?
A lot healthier I've always been very confident so nothing has changed as far as self confidence just better health and less medication

4. Where do you get you confidence from?
 I think honestly my confidence has always came natural even from a child I was always the biggest child in a group or in a class but I've always been very confident as long as I can remember I love to dress and love fashion

5. Have you always been confident?

6. How do you feel about the “big girls are in style” phrase?
In my opinion big girls have always been in style I think a lot of guys we're just ashamed to admit that they have always been attracted to plus size girls now we're more common because society is no longer a size 4, so plus size, chunky, bbw or whatever you want to call it is now being accepted by society and no longer looked down upon.

7. Who/what is your inspiration?
 My mother who is now deceased plays a big role and who I've grown to be and Who I am today so a lot of things I watched her do as a child has inspired me.

8. Who/where do you get you fashion inspiration from?
My fashion I think come from honestly just following the latest trends keeping up with what's in style and most of all what I'm comfortable in


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