Just getting started

                                                                                                                                 Friday July 6, 2012

         Hello and welcome to the first entry of the 'diary of a broke fashionista'.This blog is to keep my divas and divos on the up and up in fashion news and where to shop and look like a million bucks but having only spent maybe $50. Over the course of the next few weeks I will be going to some of my favorite places to shop and showing you how to ball on a budget, interviewing some designers and featuring some of their work. Each week I have fb challenges and will upload a video showing you the how to create a hot magazine look for less. Please feel free to ask any fashion or styling questions on my fb pg @ www.facebook.com/bigbaboski04_99 or on my designer group pg (if you are a member) http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/128549170497993/ and I will be glad to answer them. I will also be trying out new styles and trends and giving a review.

Thank you and stay tuned...........

the broke fashionista xoxo,


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